Sunday, October 28, 2007


Cookie Kisses and Spilled Milk. Or juice, or pretty much anything the kids get their hands on, *poof * on the floor. You get the point.

Now I did promise myself that I wont blog about kids, cleaning, laundry (which I put seperatly because laundry isn't cleaning....its a never ending battle that refuses to let me win just once) or those pukey stories on, like, cute my kid looks when he farts.

Or about those flipped sided converstations I have with myself about how sexy my man is and how I want to stab him in the eye with a fork while he's sleeping.

Nor will I bitch and moan about all the things that irk me in real life. Like people who don't know how to walk in hallways or how the media is corrupting our youth and bringing us closer to hell on earth (yay, atleast I'll be warm). Or Harper.

But then I realized, who the hell am I kidding? I'm a bitter and emotional pregnant woman running after two terrors day in and out while trying to plan a wedding that wont leave me or him disowned....its going on here whether you like it or not.

Having said that, all three of them are busy playing Big Brain Academy on Wii so pooey on them. I have other things to talk about.

So, how depressing is it when you have absolutly no money during your fave time of year? Seriously, everything seems to be in the ruts atm. No money for costume, missed out on the Witches Ball and and we missed out on Saw 4. Well not really missed out on Saw 4, we just couldn't go to opening night. Which we were hoping for.

And this was supposed to be our run away weekend....le sigh.

Its okay tho, I can handle it. I'll just be that bitter hag who hands out all the crappy candy, then keeps the good stuff to shovel in her mouth later while watching those halloween tv specials.

Yay! Its time for the kiddies bedtime...gotta jet!


ps I didn't want to mention them again, but since we talked about trick or treating, I might as well. This year the boys are going as Spiderman (Eric) and Batman (Devon). And not this weird new batman who scares me. The old school Adam West batman who we all know and love. I'm such an original parent, aren't I? *cackles*

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