So tonite we did the whole pumpkin ritual. Personally, I'm surprised no one is out protesting the brutal torture we put this...what? vegetable?...through every year.
Like when they protest against eating turkeys around Thanksgiving.
At any rate, we got the pumpkin, a nice long ready-for-a-face pumpkin a few days ago, promising the kids that soon, we will carve it.
They were were totally stoked to do it. And this morning, two pairs of big brown eyes light up when I announced that tonite is the night.
Apparently, however, they didn't understand the concept behind it. For when they got home, and Mr. Pixie cut open the top...they did not like what they saw inside. Eric refused to touch the orange goop and Devon swore as he tried to gather the seeds. Like, literaly swore. Even got it on video. Oops.
So mommy basically did most of the dirty work. Which I don't mind. I don't mind getting my hands dirty ;)
And while daddy was cutting out the face (Eric's design), Devon was crying. He didn't want to cut the pumpkin, he just wanted a face on it. It wasn't till we were done, and we all gathered in the bathroom (the only room in the house where it can go completely dark) to see the finished result that he understood why we had to cut a face out. Thats our pumpkin. Doesn't it rock your socks?
So the house is now officially decorated for Wednesday. A pumpkin at the front door, and a paper ghost in the window.
Eat your heart out, Martha Stewart :P